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Work from home jobs is something we experienced for the first time in their career with the beginning of the pandemic. Most of the businesses around the world have sent their employees at home and along with the stress from a virus we all need to deal with, there was the stress of work from home and no experience of how to do it on top. Work from home sounds pretty cool and easy for most people at first.

However, once you actually start work from home is when you realise you are totally unprepared for all that. One of the biggest challenges of work from home is maintaining a productive workday without distracting you with thousands of things that can actually distract you while at home. It is also not that easy to shift your mindset and actually understand that you are at home for work too, not just for leisure, doing chores, looking after the kids. Work from home definitely offers a bunch of advantages, including saving you time and money for getting to and off work, creating ultimate comfort for your workspace, not dealing with employers and employees you don’t like, having a more flexible working hour in some cases. However, work from home can also be very challenging.

There is always the concern with how to maintain your productivity, how to not get distracted, the lack of social contact and interactions, the feeling of isolation, the inability to separate your work and personal life, time for working and time for resting, etc. No matter what, if you have chosen to work from home on your own or the conditions have made you shift from office to work from home, there are some great ways to boost your productivity and keep yourself sane. Here are some of the top work from home tips and tricks for you.

Work from Home: Make Work Your Priority

Early in the morning, the idea of sleeping a couple of extra hours may sound tempting, especially if you don’t need to rush for work and you do not have a strict working schedule someone is monitoring. However, even with flexible working hours, you are recommended to prioritise work from home oversleep as this is the best way to ensure a productive day and keep some sort of a structured routine. In addition, if you want to be fresh and energetic for the new day and do your work from home productively, make sure you have a good night sleep that will improve your efficiency and productivity and help you generate more excellent ideas.

Work from Home: Maintain Routine

One of the riskiest things of work from home is getting distracted. It all starts with a quick-playing with the kids, just washing the dishes, just one page of this book, just one episode of the show… and you will be back to work. Nope, unfortunately, this does not work like that and distractions are everywhere when you work from home. In order to minimise the risk of getting distracted when you work from home and fall into the trap that will lead you to a non-productive working day, not meeting your deadlines, or not doing your work on time, make sure you create and maintain a good and efficient work from home routine for you. In case you are working a classic full-time job as work from home, you can opt for mirroring an office schedule that will help you stay more organized and focused. Making time slots for work at home can be risky, because you may get too distracted and carried away in between then and forget to be back to work.

Work from Home: Comfortable Workspace

One of the best ways to boost your productivity when you work from home is making sure you create a convenient and comfortable workspace in your home. Comfort is important for your productivity and creativity when you work from home. The opportunity to create a comfortable and cosy workspace at home the way you like and enjoy it is one of the main reasons why many people choose to work from home. A dedicated workspace for your work from home is also very important to help you separate your work from home time and your leisure and rest time since everything is happening under the same roof.

Work from Home: Learn How to Rest

When you work from home is easy to get carried away by work and forget to have some time for resting, having fun, and leisure. When you work from home it is often easy to put an end to your workday and know when you are out of work for the day. Therefore, one of the first things you need to master when you work from home is learning how to rest. Rest after work from home is important for keeping your productivity and energy and keep you sane after all. Too much work from home can sometimes be frustrating and tiring, therefore, make sure to allow yourself enough time to rest.

Work from Home: To-do List

When you work from home, a to-do list can be your biggest helping hand. When you work from home you will find out how easy it is to get distracted and forget about something you need to do related to your work from home. Therefore, a to-do list is always a good idea for everyone with work from home to keep them organised and focused. In addition, a to-do list will help you not get overworked when you work from home as you want to include only the priorities for the day.

Work from Home: Avoid Multitasking

At first, it may sound like a good idea to do the laundry or cook something while you work from home. However, you will soon find out that multitasking is not the best way to go when you work from home. It can distract you and at the end of the day, you will not be able to put your full focus and do everything with high quality.

Work from home: Make work your priority
Work from home: Maintain routine
Work from home: Comfortable workspace
Work from home: Learn how to rest
Work from home: To-do list
Work from home: Avoid multitasking