Finding the right job for your requirements and needs is not always an easy thing. In fact, it could be pretty challenging. There are so many jobs in the ocean of the recruitment market, however, fishing for the best jobs and opportunities could take some time and be pretty stressful. Therefore, human resource experts often recommend job hunting methods and a plethora of way to search for jobs and narrow your search down to the best jobs and positions for your interests, skills, and desires. While there are many places and ways to look for jobs, not all of them turn out to be that effective according to what recent statistics show. We explore the most and least effective ways to search for jobs.

Searching for Jobs: Online

Naturally, every person looking for jobs and new opportunities will start their search online and by checking out local and national job hunt websites and apps. It is, indeed, the most popular and easiest way nowadays for searching for jobs. There are many websites where employers post job opportunities and open positions online. A quick filtering of all listings and a thorough search may help you find a bunch of jobs that are right for you.

However, does this mean that you will be able to find the right job and actually start on the position? Recent statistics show that online search for jobs ends up working only 4% of the times. Yes, it sounds a bit unbelievable since today's world is solely relying on the Internet and everything happens online, however, it turns out that this hunting method for jobs is actually not that efficient and successful as you would expect it to be, with the exception of when you are looking for jobs and opportunities in the IT sector.

Searching for Jobs: Conventional

Answering local newspaper ads has always been a popular method for finding jobs and job opportunities. This method worked decades ago, so why not nowadays too? Surprisingly, answering ads for jobs in local newspapers actually works more than 20% of the time. Of course, it is important to keep in mind that the majority of the jobs and job offers posted in your local newspaper won’t be those offering real career opportunities. Local newspapers usually post ads for jobs with low-level salaries and jobs that do not require particular experience, education, or level of skills. However, if you are looking for these types of jobs, make sure to grab a pen and check your local newspaper.

Searching for Jobs: Employment/Recruitment Agencies

When looking for jobs and career opportunities, you would often try your luck with employment and recruitment agencies too. Sometimes it is easier, faster, and better to leave everything in the hands of professionals, who are literarily trained to match the right jobs with the right candidates. In fact, this job-hunting method works up to 28% of the time, which is not bad at all. Employment agencies usually cover the whole spectrum of sectors or at least the majority of professional branches, they have connections with large employers and are the easiest way to find a job especially in big metropolitan areas.

Of course, if you are looking for a job, you can also try some alternative methods. You can really take matters into your hands and go right to the door of the employers you would like to work for. Surprisingly, this method turns out to be the most successful one as it works nearly 50% of the times. It works especially good with smaller businesses and places where vacancies have just developed.

Searching for Jobs: Online
Searching for Jobs: Conventional
Searching for Jobs: Employment/Recruitment Agencies
Searching for Jobs: Alternative Search