In order to post an ad on our site, please login to your profile and use the following link: Post an ad

  • Register and create an account on Romb.co.uk from the following link: Register
  • If you are a registered user, login to your profile: Login
  • Fill in all fields that are marked as required
  • Once you are logged in, go to Businesses from My Romb menu and click on Create a business listing button
  • Fill in details to create a business listing
  • After you click the “Save Changes” button, your listing is redirected to us and pending approval
  • Our administrators will review the listing you have uploaded and decide whether to approve or decline it

We do our best to review all ads submitted to the website as quick as possible. Normally, your listing will be approved within 24 to 48 hours.

The price for premium ad is £4.95 for 30 days.

After you login to your profile, go to Wallet section from My Romb menu and click on Top up your wallet button. After you add money to your wallet, you can upgrade your ad to premium. We accept payments via PayPal.

Submitting a business listing to our website provides you with many benefits, including:

  • Increasing leads you can follow up and generate sales from
  • Creating good brand awareness and online presence
  • Get exposure to thousands of potential buyers and clients who are visiting our website on a monthly basis, driving and increasing sales

If you can't find appropriate category for your ad please contact us and let us know at cs@romb.co.uk we will add the category for you manually.

You can update your ads anytime. After you log into your account, go to My Ads section from My Romb menu. After update your ad is pending approval.

You can delete an ad anytime. Please login to your account, go to My Ads section from My Romb menu, find the ad that you want to be removed and click on the Remove link. If you experience any difficulties removing an ad, please contact us via our contact form or at cs@romb.co.uk and we will remove the ad for you.

You have not found an answer to your question or concern? Do not hesitate to contact us and our customer support team will gladly help you.