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There are a lot of things and aspects of education jobs you want to consider before sending your applications here and there. In this comprehensive guide we will help you learn more about education jobs, where to search for and find the best education jobs, how to prepare yourself for working in this field, so stay tuned.

Where to Find Education Jobs

If you are interested and looking for education jobs, you can start your search from various places as you can find vacancies for education jobs from many sources. Some of the most popular and easy ways to search for education jobs include:

Teaching Vacancies

This is a free and easy to use educational jobs search tool from the Department for Education

Direct Applications to Schools

The easiest way to find education jobs is simply researching your own area, where you live or train. If you are graduating or you have recently graduated and are interested in education jobs, then you can start by researching your university’s job portal. You can also opt to talk to your mentor or the staff at school and you may be able to learn about education jobs opportunities in the area. Between January and June is the best time to search for education jobs by directly checking schools’ websites and checking for vacancies. The schools you are particularly interested in you can approach directly by sending them a CV or simply asking them for open positions for educations jobs.

Careers and Employability Services

Such service providers often run fairs for students and graduates and you will be able to explore a lot of great opportunities for education jobs by visiting these fairs. Such service providers also have online portals for education jobs, plus they will provide you with valuable advice and recommendations on local, national, and even international opportunities.

Local Authorities

Another great way to find out more about education jobs is by contacting your local authorities. Most local authorities provide weekly or monthly bulletins online, which will give you more information on education jobs and open positions in the area. Local authorities can also provide you with details about open days and may operate a pool database, where local schools can pick approved candidates from a list.

Newspapers, Online

Of course, the easiest and probably the first way for finding education jobs everyone can think of is through offers for vacancies and open positions published in local newspapers and online.

Teacher Recruitment Agencies

Whenever you are looking for education jobs, you can also opt for the professional help of recruitment agencies. In case you are interested in international education jobs opportunities, you can search for recruitment agencies with links with other countries and explore the opportunities.

Education Jobs: Finding the Right School for You

You don’t want to just find education jobs, you want to find the best education jobs and the right school for you that will suit you the best. Therefore, you:

- Don’t just apply to any school, you apply to the schools you are truly interested in, therefore you start your search early.

- Don’t just start working in the field of education jobs and any job. You want to think and consider what is really important to you, you want to find a work setting where you can really thrive and feel good, think of the ethos, the size, the catchment of the school you feel comfortable with.

- Don’t remain passive. When looking for education jobs, you want to be proactive. Therefore, you want to visit all schools you will be interviewing at. This will help you if the school fits you and how you fit the school.

- Don’t stop improving yourself as a specialist once you are graduated. You want to keep up to date with everything new happening in the field, this is the best way to prepare yourself for education jobs. For example, you can read recent reports, identify points for improvement in the system, think of how you can use your skills and knowledge to help.

Education Jobs: Supply Teaching

When looking for education jobs, you will find you have many opportunities to work in the field and becoming a teacher is not the one and only career path. Supply teaching is one of those opportunities you can take advantage of if you are not successful at finding a teaching job or if you are just not ready to commit to a full-time teaching role. For this kind of education job, you need to first register with an agency, which pretty much means you are submitting your CV and then meeting with a recruitment agency.

Supply teaching, despite often being challenging, is also a good way to gain experience and hone your skills. So if you are interested in such education jobs opportunities, make sure to look and ask around for the best recruitment agencies in your area and choose the strongest and most reputable ones to work with. The more flexible you are with your schedule, the more work you will be able to get.

Education Jobs: Applying

If you are interested in education jobs, you want to know how to properly apply for the best education jobs you are finding. One thing you should know about education jobs is that the majority of schools in the UK will hire through their own advertisements and will have their own selection procedures. The best time to find education jobs is from February to June. However, great education jobs may appear all year long, therefore you need to keep your eyes peeled and keep up with local news.

After seeing adverts for education jobs you are interested in, make sure to get your application in as soon as possible and do not procrastinate. Whenever you are looking for great education jobs, you are also encouraged to directly contact a school you are interested in and send them a copy of your CV. Another way for finding education jobs is through some local authorities, agencies and trusts running education jobs schemes, pools, and databases. These enable you to fill in a single registration form. Whenever you are interested in education jobs, make sure you are specific when you are filling in application forms. In order to find the best education jobs, you want to tell more about your experience, focus on your successes, give examples of your time in the classroom.

Where to find education jobs
Education jobs: Finding the right school for you
Education jobs: Supply teaching
Education jobs: Applying