
Computer and in Computer Repair & IT Support

Whenever you are looking for professional and reliable computer repair & IT support services, you can bet you will be able to find the best services with our help.

Birmingham, West Midlands

We have over 25 years of experience in this field. Our aim is to fix your PC, laptop, servers or cables and get you and your business up...


Glasgow, Scotland

Hello everyone. Experienced IT technician. Quality, fast and friendly service. - Small business support - New Gaming/Office desktops...

Panda Boy - Computer PC, Laptop Fix, Macbook, Imac Mac Repair thumb-21374
Panda Boy - Computer PC, Laptop Fix, Macbook, Imac Mac Repair thumb-21375
Panda Boy - Computer PC, Laptop Fix, Macbook, Imac Mac Repair thumb-21376
Panda Boy - Computer PC, Laptop Fix, Macbook, Imac Mac Repair thumb-21377

Finchley Central, North London

During these challenging times, we are still here to support your IT needs. We offer a collect and return service, with a resolution...


Coventry, West Midlands

Desktop and Laptop service can deal with anything from basic cleaning to component replacements and virus removal. There is a...



Providing professional computer, laptop, iMac, iPhone, iPad repairs in Poole. Data recovery services, data backup services. Residential...
