
Auto Salvage For Sale in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire

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St Neots, Cambridgeshire (7.6 miles away)


Spares repairs - rover 75 cdti. Clutch slave cylinder gone, fluid dripping from bell housing. Mot till jan 23rd 2016. Good points - two...

2004 Rover 75 / 2.0 cdti diesel thumb-18957
2004 Rover 75 / 2.0 cdti diesel thumb-18958
2004 Rover 75 / 2.0 cdti diesel thumb-18959
2004 Rover 75 / 2.0 cdti diesel thumb-18960

St Neots, Cambridgeshire (7.6 miles away)


1.6 Xsara Good condition other than self-inflicted damage to bonnet, wing, bumper and screen. Good CD and radio
