
Auto Salvage For Sale in Oundle, Northamptonshire

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Peterborough, Cambridgeshire (11.4 miles away)


Grey lexus is200 navigator fully loaded half leather seats, heated seats, automatic well looked after quick sale.


Stamford, Lincolnshire (11.5 miles away)


Average/good condition. Runs well but failed emissions. Spares or repairs. No MOT or Tax.


Peterborough, Cambridgeshire (11.4 miles away)


Car in perfect condition 1.8 16v 11m mot 4 tax hpi clear never damage 73000mil green color tel contact 07783263581


Peterborough, Cambridgeshire (11.4 miles away)


Renault Megane convertible runs and drives nice roof works. Windows don't go up or down. Delivery available.

Renault Megane Spares or Repairs thumb-16631
Renault Megane Spares or Repairs thumb-16632

Peterborough, Cambridgeshire (11.4 miles away)


C220 CDI, auto estate front damage spares or repairs, drives lovely and had just been remapped, please text first as don't always get...

2005 Mercedes-Benz C220 CDI 2.2 thumb-18237
2005 Mercedes-Benz C220 CDI 2.2 thumb-18238
2005 Mercedes-Benz C220 CDI 2.2 thumb-18239
2005 Mercedes-Benz C220 CDI 2.2 thumb-18240