
Auto Salvage For Sale in Fleetwood, Lancashire

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Lancaster, Lancashire (12.4 miles away)


Spares or repairs - 2008 Citroen C4 Grand Picasso 7 seater, 1.6 petrol VTR +, 10 months mot, 117000 miles. Body in fair condition minor...

2008 Citroen C4 Grand Picasso Spares or Repairs thumb-18647

Blackpool, Lancashire (7.2 miles away)


BMW 118d sport, damaged on n/s front, not recorded / hpi clear, easy bolt on repair, half leather, 6 speed g/box, 4 new tryes, tinted...

2004 BMW 118s sport thumb-16566
2004 BMW 118s sport thumb-16567
2004 BMW 118s sport thumb-16568
2004 BMW 118s sport thumb-16569