Investors Funding small agriculture and development projects

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We are negotiating projects in agriculture and rural development are looking for investment from the investors we represent. Examples of projects go from the production of an innovative fertilizers, to increasing production of organic cereals on a farm, as well as an app to ease business in the fruit and vegetables sector. The investors and entrepreneurs we represent are interested in projects from all over the European Union (EU), with a diversity of sizes, types of investments, and statuses. Projects that seek funding have to fulfil the following eligibility criteria:

  • have a total cost of at least € 1 million
  • fall under one of the 25 pre-determined high-economic-value-added sectors
  • be expected to start within three years of submission
  • be promoted by a public or private legal entity established in an EU country
  • be compatible with all applicable EU and national laws

If you are a plantation owner or agro farm or company owner, at your convenient do contact us directly via address below:



Berlin, Germany

Tel: + 49 15175642062                    


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